Wednesday 3 September 2014

The Best Way To Keep Feet Warm In Ski Boots

Not having warm feet during an eventful day of skiing can be a nuisance---and also a health hazard. Being in the cold without enough warmth (especially on an extremity such as your feet) can lead to frostbite and even hypothermia, according to Princeton University's Outdoor Action Guide. There are several ways to make sure your feet stay warm and thereby ensure a day of fun rather than discomfort. The best method depends on your boots and ultimately your budget, although there are inexpensive options.

Start Off Right

Make sure that your feet are warm to begin with. That means not leaving your boots in a garage or outdoors over night. There are boot dryers on the market that ensure you're not stepping into wet, cold boots after a previous day of skiing.

Also make sure that your boots are the right size. Rental shops will often provide you with boots that are too big, the justification being that they will be more comfortable. Ski boots should fit snugly, and while they may seem uncomfortable at the shop, once you start skiing you'll appreciate the support.

Socks made specifically for skiing will also help keep your feet warm. They are lightweight and thin (to fit into boots) and are without seams that can push into your skin. You'll want an over-the-calf variety so they don't fall down.

For Added Warmth

BootGloves are neoprene sheaths that attach by Velcro over each boot. ThermoFeet are aluminum insole reflectors that go on the bottoms of your feet and redirect heat toward the body instead of away from it. Grabber Warmers, air-activated insoles that go between your socks and the bottom of the boot, are one of the least expensive options.

At the other end of the price scale for those who own boots are boot heaters, which are like having an electric blanket on your feet. They attach to the bottom of the footbed and have an electric cord with a rechargeable battery that goes out the back.

Try dry boots, ski socks and Grabber Warmers first. The combination of inexpensive product and prevention will keep your feet warm while you hit the slopes.

Tags: your feet, your boots, your feet warm, feet warm, Grabber Warmers, keep your