Thursday 22 January 2015

The Best Types Of Shoes For Cross Country Running

Your shoes are your connection with the ground, so choose wisely.

Cross-country running combines the challenge of running with the freedom of trails, fields and open spaces. It does not require a lot of equipment, but proper shoes protect your feet and joints and can play an important role in your running success. Several types of shoes work well for cross-country running, so your choice should reflect your running style, running goals and running terrain.


Many competitive cross-country runners race in flats, and some even train in them. Unlike conventional running shoes or "trainers," cross-country racing flats reject extras and special features for a simple, lightweight design. The soles often have small rubber knobs or a waffle pattern for extra traction, but they have little cushioning. The uppers feature a simple cloth construction, light and uncomplicated. Choose racing flats for a wide variety of terrain, including dirt, grass, sand, rocks and asphalt.


Try spikes for a slip-free race on dirt or grass.

If you run cross-country competitively, and most of your races happen on grass, dirt, mud and other soft surfaces, then spikes can offer you the best possible traction. Spikes help you take corners efficiently and offer excellent purchase on slippery surfaces such as wet grass. Racing spikes look similar to racing flats, but with removable metal spikes in the forefoot. Cross-country spikes come in different lengths, usually longer than track and field spikes. Choose longer spike lengths for softer conditions, and pay attention to regulations that may limit length. Spikes do not work well on certain hard surfaces, especially stretches of pavement or concrete.

Trail-Running Shoes

Choosing a cross-country running shoe sometimes means making a compromise. If you want support, cushion and protection, then consider a heavier trail running shoe. Recreational runners who like to move through the woods and mountains outside of competition may appreciate their extra features. Most trail-running shoes have toe protection for safety among roots and rocks. Often, a nylon plate in the shoe's sole allows a specific amount of flexibility while remaining stiffer than regular running shoes. Uppers often feature waterproof materials for protection from the elements, and the outer soles have chunky treads for extra traction.


Trainers offer versatility over a wide range of terrain.

Some cross-country runners wear trainers, or conventional running shoes. Sometimes a specialty shoe does not make sense, especially when race courses or training areas have a wide variety of surfaces. Furthermore, some cross-country runners want one pair of shoes for all their running, off-road and on-road. In many cases, trainers work just fine, and they may be the best choice for a novice or uncommitted runner.

Minimalist Shoes

Some say the human foot is the best cross-country shoe.

Ultra thin-soled shoes are now appearing in cross-country races. Some runners wear inexpensive shoes with no cushioning at all. Others wear shoes designed to allow completely natural movement, even featuring independent toes. A growing number wear no shoes at all. According to the Barefoot Running University website, barefoot and minimalist runners choose that style to strengthen their feet, reduce injuries and "run in a more natural way."

Tags: cross-country runners, racing flats, running shoes, conventional running, conventional running shoes, cross-country running, dirt grass