Tuesday 29 September 2015

What Causes Nausea After Meals

What Causes Nausea After Meals?

Did you ever eat something for dinner, thinking it tasted pretty good -- just to realize a little later that your dinner didn't like you as much as you liked it?

You're not alone. Just about everybody has experienced this. The problem can be very minor, or it could be an indication of something more serious.

Do certain foods make you sick?

Sometimes, nausea after eating comes from a food that didn't agree with you. Luckily, most people know what foods are difficult for them, and accordingly stay away from them.

Of course, a food that has never made you sick before can surprise you and make you sick at one time or another.

When you can't avoid having a food that has made you nauseous in the past, sometimes it's best to take an over-the-counter antacid either before you eat, or shortly after.

What if something simple doesn't clear it up?

For most people, an over-the-counter medicine will help with the nausea that can come after a meal.

However, if the nausea continues, it could be an indication of something more serious.

The causes for nausea are many, and if you are sick after every meal, you should visit your doctor.

After all, nausea can be an indicator of pregnancy, an ulcer, gallstones and much more -- and those are conditions that should be observed and treated by a doctor.

What if you keep getting sicker?

Sometimes, nausea keeps going on and on until it's not just nausea anymore. You're downright sick.

If you start vomiting after you eat, you could have something very serious going on. Food poisoning will cause nausea at first, and then vomiting.

And if the nausea is compounded by hives on your body, you might have a food allergy, like so many other people do.

Did you eat too fast?

When you sit down to eat, enjoy your meal. Take time to chew it and not just gulp it. This sounds simple, but an amazing number of people just wolf down their dinners without even taking the time to taste what they're eating -- and then they end up re-living that dinner again and again. Not much fun!

Get your nausea under control

Nausea can be very unpleasant, but there are ways to try to make yourself feel better. Sipping a Coca-Cola can help, as will eating some crackers. Over-the-counter antacids -- even something as simple as a Tums -- will often help clear up the nausea.

If a simple remedy doesn't help after a while, and you keep getting sicker, be careful not to let it go too far. You might have something that needs checked out further.

If you're chronically nauseous after eating, that's also something to be concerned about.

When should you see a doctor?

Nausea complicated by pain or vomiting is always cause for concern. However, you usually don't need to see a doctor, unless it's chronic or you have painful symptoms.

For example, if you have nausea along with pain in your upper right abdomen and difficulty with greasy food, you could have gallstones.

Do you have pain in your lower right side? See a doctor immediately. You might have appendicitis, your appendix can rupture in 24 hours or less, causing a life-threatening situation.

How about a a burning pain in your abdomen between your breastbone and belly button? You could have an ulcer.

Tags: could have, food that, might have, pain your, after eating, After Meals, Causes Nausea