Monday 13 October 2014

Ways To Help Labor Progress

Labor is the natural process in which mothers deliver their baby vaginally through contractions of the uterus and dilation of the cervix. Sometimes labor can be a quick process for moms-to-be, while for others, labor progresses slowly. There are some methods that women can use at home to progress labor, however, these methods are only suggested to pregnant women who are in their 40th week of pregnancy or have gone over their due date.

Nipple Stimulation

Nipple stimulation is a natural way that mothers in labor can speed up progress. Mothers in labor, who are progressing slowly, can gently pull or have their partner gently suckle on their nipples. The stimulation of the nipples releases oxytocin, the hormone that causes the uterus to contract, according to Birthing Naturally. Women who use nipple stimulation to progress labor need to follow these guidelines. Only stimulate one breast at a time by massaging. Only stimulate a nipple for five minutes. After five minutes, wait for about 15 minutes to see if the uterus begins to contract. If contraction doesn't start, repeat the steps. If a contraction occurs, do not stimulate the nipple during the contraction. Stop doing nipple stimulation when contractions are close together and are about a minute apart.


Women who are going through a slow labor process, or that are having contractions but are not in active labor, should try walking. Walking helps the baby move down into the pelvic area by the action of the swaying hips and gravity. As the baby moves on down through the pelvic area, labor begins to speed up, according to Lisa Rodriguez, R.N. and Marjorie Greenfield, M.D. on


Pitocin is a synthetic form of the natural hormone oxytocin. Women who are in slow labor are given pitocin through an IV drip, which helps the uterus to contract. After pitocin is administered, the mom-to-be is monitored closely. If contractions do not become strong to speed up the labor process, the pitocin drip is sped up to make the contractions stronger and closer together.

Making Love

Women who are in the early stages of labor, but contractions are far apart and mild, should try making love with their spouse. Making love can speed up labor because of semen ejaculated during love making. Semen contains prostaglandins which cause a woman's uterus to contract.

Tags: uterus contract, five minutes, labor process, Only stimulate, pelvic area, progress labor