Wednesday 22 October 2014

Why Are You So Tired In The First Trimester

Many women are exhausted during their first trimester of pregnancy. An absolutely normal pregnancy symptom, fatigue can be debilitating. There are many reasons for this frustrating symptom, but there are a few ways to alleviate it.


A newly pregnant woman's body is going through many hormonal changes. The amount of progesterone is increasing, causing her to be very fatigued. Fatigue can also stem from increased blood flow in the body, the newly quickened pulse, and the overall adjustment to the body preparing to care for the development of the fetus, according to


Another common symptom of early pregnancy is nausea, and the constant feeling of being sick to the stomach or vomiting can cause exhaustion.


According to, a pregnant woman's body is manufacturing the placenta, (the unit that will house and support the fetus) during the first 12 weeks. A huge amount of energy goes into this colossal task, making the woman quite tired.


Although it is important to listen to your body and rest when necessary, good nutrition may help alleviate some of the exhaustion. Dr. Adrienne Lieberman and Dr. Linda Holt, authors of Nine Months and a Day, suggest that eating small meals throughout the day rich in protein, calcium and high fiber whole grains should help combat tiredness. It is also important to avoid caffeine and foods high in sugar.


Perhaps the last thing on your mind is exercise, but it will help you regain energy. Lieberman and Holt suggest that a pregnant woman should exercise for at least 30 minutes, most days of the week. A brisk walk, swim, or time on the elliptical can boost energy, keep your heart healthy and help your mood improve.

Tags: pregnant woman, pregnant woman body, suggest that, woman body