Tuesday 17 February 2015

Why Do People Rely On Cell Phones In Today'S Culture

Cell phones have become an integral part of daily life.

People have come to depend on their cell phones for a number of different reasons. Essentially, the small device provides reliable benefits with few drawbacks. At no point in the history of human culture has a technology so changed the way in which daily communications occur. Cell phones are inexorably woven into the social fabric of the modern world, and for good reason.

Cell Phone Origins

Cell phones have been in constant development since the 1970s. Though the technology has been around for years, it was not until recently that it became mainstream. Like many advancements that enhance the quality of life, it started out as a status symbol of the elite. Suddenly, all that changed when cell phones became affordable to everyone. Cell phones started out as little more than two-way radios. Now, the cell phone's technological evolution has come to point where it relies on cell phone towers that provide coverage nearly worldwide.

Benefits and Drawbacks

Cell phones facilitate rapid communications over vast distances. This communication need not be vocal. Text messages are sent by the millions daily. The fabric of society is held together by communication, and nothing facilitates communication more than the cell phone. However, cell phones have drawbacks as well. With more than 4 billion produced to date, they have a large ecological footprint, pose safety risks when used in inappropriate circumstances, and may discourage face-to-face communication.

Exploring More Rapid Communication

Before the age of the cell phone, telecommunication between two people occurred over landlines that were tied to a single location. This made it difficult to communicate to loved ones while on the move. Consequently, the emergence of this technology was somewhat of a revolutionary advancement in communication. For example, a parent can now easily check in with a child who is out of the house. The affordability and convenience of cell phones all but ensured that it would become a mainstay.

Exploring Data Sharing

Modern cell phones do more than connect calls. They also transmit and receive a great deal of information. This can range from text messages to video. Data sharing has always been a cultural imperative. Whether for play or business, communication fosters trust and productivity. All this is accomplished by a small hand-held device that fits in the pocket. The cell phone enhances the quality of life and productivity.

Tags: cell phone, more than, cell phones, phones have, Cell phones, quality life