Friday 10 April 2015

What Are Some Cardiovascular Workout Programs

Cardiovascular exercise is also popularly known as aerobic exercise. Cardiovascular workout programs are designed to get the blood pumping and to get you moving and breathing, to exercise the heart and lungs. Cardiovascular workouts are designed to build strength, stamina and general health. They can be simple or complex, and take many forms. The common factor is that the workout must last 20 minutes or more and increase your heart rate.

Simple Cardiovascular Workouts

The simplest cardiovascular workout programs require almost no equipment and can be done right from your own home. Walking at a brisk pace for 20 minutes or more is a cardiovascular workout. So is running, bike riding, roller skating, jumping rope, or dancing around your room listening to your favorite songs. If it gets you moving, and increases your pulse (you can tell by taking your pulse before, during and immediately after) then it is a cardiovascular workout. Some of these activities are obviously more strenuous than others (running, for example, usually is better exercise than walking) but you can engage in a mix of different activities or start with lower impact cardiovascular workouts and work your way up to more challenging exercise.

Aerobics Classes

Aerobics classes are another form of cardiovascular workout program. Like the simple cardiovascular workouts you can do with little equipment, there are a wide variety of different aerobics classes. Take an aerobics class of sorts at home, by watching an aerobics video. You can go to a gym and join a formal aerobics class. Do step aerobics, which involves using a step to perform a series of choreographed motions involving walking up, down and around the step. Attend an aerobic dance class which involves doing ballet, jazz and disco moves to get your body moving. Do water aerobics, which offers the benefits of a cardiovascular workout with less strain on your muscles.

Unique Cardiovascular Workouts

Some unique cardiovascular workouts have also taken hold. Activities like kickboxing or Pilates can also be cardiovascular workouts, if they are strenuous enough to get your heart going. Kickboxing classes, for example, involving doing a series of punches and kicks. The simplest kick involves standing in a solid position with both feet on the ground and shoulders facing forward, pointing your right knee slightly to the right, pivoting your left foot to the right, and kicking your right leg out.

When doing a unique cardiovascular workout, or any aerobic workout, it is important to start with basic warm-up exercises associated with cardiovascular exercises like push-ups and jumping jacks.

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