Tuesday 1 December 2015

What Animals Have A Lazy Personality

The sloth is often described as a lazy animal.

Animals, just like humans, have a wide range of personality traits such as laziness, which can gain them quite a reputation. Some animals may gain this reputation from their slow-moving gait and quiet demeanor, such as the sloth. Others, such as the dormouse, may be deemed lazy simply because of their long periods of hibernation.


The sloth, as the name implies, is known for its slow, lazy personality. Sloths live in the tropical rain forests of South and Central America, and their diet consists mainly of buds, tender shoots and leaves, although they will also eat insects and lizards.

After consuming a large meal, two-thirds of the sloth's body weight will consist of the contents of its stomach, and the process of digestion in a sloth can take up to a month or longer. This helps to explain why these animals move so slow.

English Bulldog

The English Bulldog is often described as lazy. This reputation comes largely from the fact that the breed is inactive and is often recommended for those who live in apartments or for those who don't have a yard. It is a short, compact, medium-sized dog with short legs and a massive head. The bulldog tends to have a slow, lumbering gait and is not known for bursts of energy or excitement.


The hippopotamus is another animal often described as lazy. The hippo has a plump, bulky body set on short, stumpy legs and leads a sedentary, amphibious existence. Despite its large size, the animal has a modest appetite because of its sedentary life. Although adult hippos can stay submerged under water for up to six minutes, they also like to lay on the shores of rivers in the sun, in areas undisturbed by people.


A dormouse is a member of the rodent family that lives in Africa and Eurasia. It has brownish-orange colored fur and a hairy, bushy tail. Dormice are sometimes described as "lazy" because of their long periods of hibernation. In fact, in many countries this rodent has the nickname of the dozing mouse, the sleep mouse or the sleeper. When awake, the dormouse spends much time climbing among trees, thick hedges and shrubs. Its preferred diet includes hazelnuts, nectar and pollen flowers.

Tags: described lazy, often described, often described lazy, because their, because their long