Monday 9 November 2015

The Effects Of Underwater Oil Drilling In America

Underwater oil drilling has numerous effects.

The ecological effects of underwater oil drilling in America are numerous, affecting the quality of our oceans and marine life. The argument for underwater oil drilling in America is that it could lessen the U.S. dependence on foreign oil as well as create more jobs for Americans. The argument against underwater drilling is that the environmental effects outweigh the gain.

Oil Spills

Oil tankers or pipelines that transport oil from the platform to onshore sites can spill into the water. Leaks from the platform can also end up in the water.

Produced Water

Excess water, or "produced water," is created from drilling and production and contains oil, drilling liquid and chemicals. Platforms can dump a certain amount of this produced water back into the ocean.

Lessen U.S. Dependence

Some argue that underwater oil drilling in America would lessen the U.S.'s dependence on foreign oil. This could potentially lower the price of gasoline for Americans.

Create American Jobs/Lower U.S. Trade Deficit

Underwater oil drilling in America could create American jobs and bring in revenue. Federal, state and local governments would benefit from the revenue, which could help lower the U.S. trade deficit.

Endanger Marine Mammals

Marine mammals depend on sound waves to navigate the ocean, locate food, find partners and communicate. Underwater oil drilling is very loud and has been linked to dolphin and whale strandings and beachings.

Tags: dependence foreign, drilling America, drilling America, from platform, lessen dependence