Thursday 3 December 2015

What Are The Benefits Of Exercising During Pregnancy

What Are the Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy?

Exercising during pregnancy can have many benefits. However, it is important to keep in mind that exercising during pregnancy is different than exercising while not pregnant and make the appropriate modifications to any workout regimen.


Having a regular exercise routine during pregnancy can help keep energy levels up. Being pregnant can be exhausting, as the body struggles to adapt to all the changes that are taking place and the extra weight makes it more difficult to do tasks that normally are done with ease. However, exercising can keep muscles toned and the cardiovascular system strengthened, which in turn helps combat energy loss and tiredness.

Reduce Discomfort

Pregnancy is filled with aches, pains and being all around uncomfortable. Although no amount of exercise will completely eliminate these feelings of discomfort, exercise can go a long way in at least reducing it. Exercising while pregnant improve circulation, keep joints lubricated and increases stamina and strength, all of which will aid in combating those aches and pains.

Prepare Body for Childbirth

Childbirth is a physical task that requires an enormous amount of stamina and exertion, so exercising while pregnant is a great way to prepare the body for this difficult challenge. Doing exercises that help strengthen the thighs, buttocks and pelvic muscles will assist in pushing during labor, but any exercise will help increase stamina and endurance which will also make childbirth seem much easier.

Sleep Better

Getting a good night's sleep while pregnant is difficult. However, getting rid of any excess energy through exercise can increase the chances of falling asleep more easily and staying asleep longer.

Mental Well-Being

Sticking with a regular exercise program while pregnant has the added benefit of improving mental well-being. There is the added peace of mind that comes from knowing that weight gain will most likely be more appropriate if exercise is taking place, as well as knowing that exercise will help getting back to the pre-pregnancy figure easier as well. However, more importantly, exercise is a great way of releasing pent-up emotions and fears and it releases "feel-good" hormones that can lift spirits and increase happiness as well.


Although the benefits are compelling reasons to continue to work out while pregnant, there are many physical changes that take place during pregnancy, so adjusting workouts accordingly is crucial. Be careful not to become too overheated or short of breath, as the baby needs to stay at a comfortable temperature and have the appropriate levels of oxygen and blood flow at all times. Talk to a doctor or health care provider before starting any exercise program while pregnant.

Tags: while pregnant, exercise will, aches pains, Benefits Exercising, Benefits Exercising During