Wednesday 2 December 2015

What Are Some Good Pregnancy Exercises

During pregnancy, relaxation is as important as exercise

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes huge changes. Exercise can help you relieve discomfort associated with these changes, prepare for childbirth, and maintain your overall fitness level. When you are pregnant, you must observe certain cautions with respect to exercise, such as not becoming overheated, and avoiding exercises which are more likely to lead to injury.

Relieving Discomfort

Backaches are a common complaint among pregnant women. Pelvic rocks, sometimes called pelvic tilts, can help relieve backache while strengthening the muscles of the abdomen. To perform a pelvic rock, get on your hands and knees. Your back should be parallel to the floor. Allow your back to sag down slightly; think of your pelvis tipping down to allow your uterus to fall forward. Then, simultaneously tighten the muscles in your buttocks and pull your abdominal muscles in, tucking your pelvis under and slightly rounding your back. Return to neutral position. This counts as one pelvic rock. Work your way up to at least 80 to 100 pelvic rocks spread into one to four sessions throughout the day. Not only does this exercise help prevent backache, but if you perform pelvic rocks just before bedtime, you may be able to sleep longer without having to get up to urinate because your uterus will be pressing less on your bladder.

Preparing for Childbirth

One of the most important exercises you can do to prepare for childbirth is Kegel exercises. These exercises target the pelvic floor muscles, muscles that run from your pelvic bone in the front to your tail bone or coccyx in the back. These muscles are shaped kind of like a hammock and support your pelvic organs. These are the muscles that will help you push your baby out during childbirth. Keeping these muscles well toned can also help you recover from childbirth more quickly, and may make sexual activity more satisfying. To perform a Kegel exercise, you will need to contract your pelvic muscles, hold, then release. Do not contract the muscles in your abdomen or buttocks while performing Kegel exercises. The muscles you want to target are the ones you contract to hold urine in. There are number of ways to perform Kegel exercises. The most simple is to contract your pelvic floor muscles, hold for three to five seconds, then release. Work your way up to 100 or more Kegel exercises daily.

Fitness: Strength and Stamina

While pregnant, you will want to exercise to maintain your overall strength and stamina. You should choose exercises that do not cause you to overheat, and accommodate the changes in your body. Walking is a good exercise during pregnancy, as is swimming or water exercises. Scuba diving, horseback riding, and skiing should not be practiced during pregnancy. Talk with your doctor about continuing exercises and activities you were practicing before pregnancy. Remember to stay hydrated, eat snacks containing protein and carbohydrates to prevent low blood sugar, and spend some time relaxing as well as exercising.

Tags: Kegel exercises, your pelvic, contract your, contract your pelvic, floor muscles, help relieve, maintain your