Tuesday 8 December 2015

What Get To Fertilize My Lawn That Has Seeds On It

Properly fertilizing a newly seeded lawn will help it become established.

Germinating grass seed requires nutrients in different proportions than established turf. Knowing the role that each major nutrient plays in helping your seed to germinate and grow will effect your to decision when to fertilize, which fertilizer to buy and apply it. Before you buy fertilizer for your new lawn, bring a soil sample to the local cooperative extension office for a soil test. The test results will detail which nutrients the soil lacks, which in turn determines the type of fertilizer to apply. Does this Spark an idea?


Every bag of fertilizer displays three numbers separated by dashes. These numbers tell you the percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contained in the fertilizer, in that order. For example a fertilizer labeled 10-3-20 contains 10 percent nitrogen, three percent phosphorus and 20 percent potassium.

Nitrogen plays a key role in keeping your lawn dark green and healthy, but does not play a major role in establishing new turf. Phosphorus and potassium are most important when you start a lawn from seed.

Role of Phosphorus

Newly seeded lawns need phosphorus to stimulate early root growth and plant vigor. Look for starter fertilizers with a high percentage of the middle number.

Role of Potassium

Potassium plays an important role in strengthening cell walls and helping a plant use nitrogen more efficiently. A newly seeded lawn that is low in potassium is more susceptible to environmental stresses from water fluctuations, insects and diseases. A good starter fertilizer has a higher percentage of potassium, or the third number.


If you haven't seeded the lawn yet, gently work a starter fertilizer into the soil before you sow the seeds. If you have already seeded the lawn, apply a starter fertilizer immediately after you sow the seed. Follow the application rates on the bag carefully to prevent over-fertilizing. Use a broadcast or drop spreader to distribute the fertilizer evenly.

Tags: seeded lawn, starter fertilizer, fertilizer apply, newly seeded, newly seeded lawn