Thursday 17 December 2015

What Is The Recuperation Time For An Adult Tonsillectomy

Female throat

Doctors estimate recuperation time from an adult tonsillectomy to be two to three weeks. Some adults can take over a month to fully heal. Adults recover from tonsillectomies in phases and should see a physician immediately if bleeding occurs post-operation.

Hospital Stay

Patients do not often have to stay the night in the hospital after a tonsillectomy. Doctors observe the patient for four to six hours before they go home.

Effects of Anesthesia

General anesthesia is often used in a tonsillectomy. The effects of anesthesia linger for as long as 24 hours. Adults can feel exhausted and nauseous. Vomiting can occur.

Throat Pain

Throat pain is usually severe for the first week following a tonsillectomy. Ice packs beneath the jaw can limit swelling. Prescribed pain medication can help ease pain, but will not eliminate it.

Two Weeks Later

Pain should begin to subside for most adults after the first week. Within two to three weeks, the pain is gone entirely for many patients. Physical activity should be minimal during the first two weeks of recuperation to reduce the risk of bleeding from the throat.

Eating and Drinking

Drink plenty of fluids to cool your throat and keep a glass of water by your bed to prevent your throat from getting too dry overnight. Doctors advise patients to stick with a liquid-only diet at first. Add soft foods to your diet slowly and wait for pain and swelling to subside before returning to a normal diet.

Tags: first week, three weeks, your throat