Thursday 20 August 2015

What Is A Bus Operator

Bus operators play an important role in the transportation industry.

A bus operator, also known as a bus driver, provides a means of transportation for people around the world. Many people ride buses on a daily basis; children heading to school, employees on their way to work, vacationers on a tour. Bus operators are drivers of school buses, tour buses, city public transportation buses and private buses.

School Bus Operators

A school bus driver's route is similar each day. Drivers stop to pick up students at the same location each morning and take them home in the afternoon. School bus drivers also take students to field trips and sporting events. School bus drivers must always be cautious. There are many distractions when driving, most notably loud and excited children. A school bus driver needs to know keep children under control and maintain order on the bus.

Motor Coach Bus Operators

Typically, motor coach bus operators have a final destination. They may be taking a group on a vacation or a tour. They often make several stops during the beginning of the trip to pick up passengers from different towns. Motor coach bus drivers should love being around people. It's their job to make your experience fun and pleasant. They often interact with passengers and point out interesting facts about the trip and destination.

Public Bus Transportation

Public bus drivers are also considered transit or intercity bus operators. They're hired by a city or local transportation group, usually on a regular schedule and often follow the same route each day. They begin their days at the bus garage or bus terminal. It's the public bus driver's responsibility to collect fares from passengers and to answer route and schedule questions.


Bus operator training varies with each employee. Some employers require a high school diploma or written test. Drivers often have complicated schedules and routes to follow and employers want to ensure you know what you're doing. Many employers offer on the road training and classroom instruction and a special driver's license is often required to operate a bus.

Tags: drivers also, school driver, School drivers, They often