Tuesday 23 June 2015

Why Do People Get Stomach Cramps When They Run

Why Do People Get Stomach Cramps When They Run?

Even the experts cannot fully explain why some runners are troubled by stomach cramps when they run. The clues lie in which treatments effectively relieve the cramps once they begin.

Slow Down

Adjusting your pace to make the effort of breathing easier often relieves cramping. Greater exertion and running at a pace which outstrips the oxygen need by the muscles can also set the scene for potential cramps.


When a runner tires, form begins to slip. Poor balance and posture may lead to ragged breathing patterns--shorter, shallow, faster sips of air higher in the lungs. This combination can lead to a cramp or side stitch.


Failure to drink enough water can lead to an imbalance in electrolytes and cause cramping because the muscles are not working optimally, not getting the fuel they need, and not experiencing the lubrication and detoxifying effects water brings.

Extreme Conditions

The greater the heat or cold, the harder the impact on your body with each step. This can stress the muscles which power breathing.

No Air

Greater exertion makes it more difficult to maintain form or acquire adequate oxygen to feed muscles. This lack of oxygen may lead to cramping.

Tags: Cramps When They, Greater exertion, People Stomach, People Stomach Cramps, Stomach Cramps When