Thursday 27 November 2014

The Best Weather Conditions For Running

The Best Weather Conditions for Running

Running is one of the best cardio workouts you can do. It engages the large muscle groups of your legs, helping you burn more than 500 calories an hour for a 150-pound woman running five miles per hour. The health benefits are numerous. Running reduces your risk of stroke and blood clots. It strengthens your heart and improves your lung capacity. The ideal weather conditions for running will depend upon your fitness level, the surface that you're running on and the topography.

Cool Weather

The exact range will vary with the individual; however, cooler temperatures benefit runners by preventing overheating. The intense exercise level means that your muscles will generate a lot of heat as your body tries to fuel your activity. Noted author and runner Jeff Galloway reminds runners that temperatures above 65 degrees Fahrenheit may make for unpleasant running conditions. Ideally, you will feel slightly chilly as you begin your run. Your running will soon warm your body.

Moderate Humidity

Moderate humidity is the best weather condition for running. As humidity levels rise, more moisture is present in the air. You breathe in more water vapor with each breath and less oxygen than you would in moderate humidity. Your body has to work harder and breathe more often to provide your muscles with adequate oxygen. Comfortable humidity will vary with the temperature. Ideally, you will be comfortable and not sweat during times of low activity.

Slight Breeze

As you run, your body tries to cool you by sweating. Sweating eliminates waste generated by producing energy within your body. A slight breeze of five or more mph will help cool you and prevent overheating, which can reduce your performance. You should feel a breeze even when you are not active. Avoid running during windy days.

Partly Cloudy Skies

Partly cloudy skies will help keep the sun at bay and prevent overheating. Full sun can create glares off of shiny objects and cars as you run, which can easily distract you. Running outdoors requires your full attention to conditions around you.


Mid-morning running offers many benefits to runners. Lighted conditions make running safer on streets. Less traffic is likely to be on the roads after rush hour and the start of school. Morning temperatures are cooler, helping runners maintain an ideal body temperature. The sun sits low in the sky, preventing glare that may occur later during the day.

Tags: your body, Best Weather Conditions, body tries, breathe more, Conditions Running, Ideally will, prevent overheating