Wednesday 3 December 2014

Tips On Training For A 5k

Train for a 5K run.

To lessen the risk of injury while training for a 5 kilometer run, make gradual improvements with your exercise regimen. Incorporate running, walking and resting into your training regimen to keep motivated and avoid stress and fatigue. Beginners can prepare for a 5K run in about two months. Before starting an exercise program be sure to consult a physician.

Training Schedule

Use a training schedule as a guide. Former Olympian and running coach Jeff Galloway suggests a seven week training regimen where runners gradually increase the amount of time running and reduce the amount of time walking. He advises resting one day each week to give your muscles time to recover. Aim to have the date of your 5K race fall on Saturday of your seventh week.

Slow And Steady

Recover faster from your workouts by starting your running sessions at a slow pace. This ensures you finish training sessions strong. Exert yourself at a low enough level to be able to talk during exercise sessions. Taking a deep breath between sessions is permissible, but breathing heavily between each word is a sign you're overdoing it. Keep blood sugar levels high by consuming energy bars an hour before long runs and be sure to drink water before and during all exercise sessions to remain adequately hydrated. Alternate walking with running as you begin training. Jog one to two minutes and walk two to three minutes to aid recovery without reducing endurance levels.

Why Strength Training?

Runners training for a 5K should engage in strength training to increase stride length, running economy, speed and power and to help prevent injuries. Running Planet notes strengthening muscle fibers aids in the prevention of muscle tears and pulls and also improves the force and speed of your stride.

Strength Training Exercises

Use high bench step ups to develop strength in the hamstrings, quads and glutes. Try one legged squats to develop power in the quads, glutes and hamstrings and perform one leg hops in place to improve strength and coordination in the hip, thigh, calf, shin, ankle and foot. These exercises mimic the movement of running and increase overall leg muscle to improve your performance in the 5K. Perform each exercise twice a week on non-successive days, such as Tuesday and Saturday, for approximately 20 minutes per session. Warm up with light jogging and stretching for 10 minutes before each workout session.

Tags: amount time, during exercise, during exercise sessions, exercise sessions, quads glutes, Strength Training, training regimen