Wednesday 10 December 2014

What Is The Primary Function Of A Carbohydrate

Carbohydrates are necessary molecules needed support functions of the body. The body breaks carbohydrates down into sugars to produce energy needed for growth, daily activities, brain activity, and to maintain overall health. Carbohydrates are consumed mainly from plant sources and are broken down and stored in the body as glycogen to be used later if needed. Other carbohydrates are needed to pull cholesterol from the body and add bulk to the stools.

Definition and Types

A carbohydrate is a macronutrient contributing to energy needs of cells in the body with the brain being the only organ depending solely on carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are made by plants in the form of sugars, starches and celluloses, which are further classified as simple or complex according to the size of the carbohydrate molecule. Complex carbohydrates are made of long chains of simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are one or two saccharides (units of sugar). Fructose, galactose and glucose are all examples of single unit saccharides. Disaccharides are two sugar units and commonly seen as sucrose, lactose and malactose.

Function of Simple Carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates (sugar) can be broken down by the body very quickly and utilized for energy. When a simple sugar is consumed, the blood sugar levels increase and insulin is released in response. Insulin unlocks the cells to let the sugars into the cells where it can be used for energy. Excess is stored in the form of glycogen in the liver and muscles, and is used as backup. Falling levels of blood sugar elicit a hunger response to help maintain blood sugar levels needed for energy.

Function of Complex Carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are larger molecules that are not converted to be used for energy as quickly as simple carbohydrates, but still are used for energy much in the same way simple carbohydrates are. Due to the slower rate complex carbohydrates are broken down, they do not contribute as easily to rapid increases in blood sugar causing fullness and decreasing hunger. Glycogen is a complex carbohydrate that is quickly converted into energy from stores in the body.

Function of Fiber

Fiber is a complex carbohydrate needed for healthy dietary function. It is a form of plant cellulose that is not digested. Fiber functions by delaying stomach emptying contributing to fullness and minimizing insulin resistance. Fiber can also function as a binder to fats and cholesterols pulling them out of the digestive tract, reducing intakes. Fiber contributes to bulk in the stools relieving constipation and protecting colon health.

Health Impact

Consumption of high levels of simple carbohydrates is necessary to load glycogen stores before intense exercise like a marathon. Simple carbohydrates are also used to replenish glucose and glycogen in the body after exercise, starvation or high amounts of stress. Eating high levels of simple carbohydrates without intense exercise may contribute to insulin resistance and increased levels of hunger. Complex carbohydrates are found mainly in fruits and vegetables or whole grains, which contain nutrients and phytochemicals that contribute to optimal health.

Tags: blood sugar, broken down, used energy, blood sugar levels, bulk stools