Monday 1 December 2014

Tips To Get A Ripped Physique

Getting muscular takes work and dedication.

Getting the muscular, lean body of your dreams can be more than just a wish. It is possible to get a ripped physique without resorting to drastic measures. As with most things related to body transformation, the key is in the food that you consume and the way that you move and train your muscles. There is no miracle that will suddenly do this for you. Put in the work and see the results.

Strength Training

Perform strength training exercises two to three days per week. Focus on compound exercises as they burn more calories and let you lift heavier weights. Some examples of compound exercises are deadlifts, bench dips and squats. Use weights that are heavy enough so that you can just complete five sets of eight repetitions. If you do not have access to weights, other options are to use your own body for strength training exercises, such as pushups.

Avoid Junk Food

Get rid of the sugar, empty carbohydrates and alcohol from your diet. These foods contain empty calories and are not conducive to getting a ripped physique. Eat whole foods in five to six small meals throughout the day. Replace junk foods with almonds, salmon, oysters, chicken and spinach. Eating clean, whole foods keep blood sugar balanced throughout the day, which will enhance exercise performance.


One thing that budding fitness junkies often ignore is the advice that rest and sleep in particular are just as important as other factors. You must leave at least one day between weight training sessions. This allows the muscles to repair, which causes growth. Make certain to always have one designated rest day each week. While life can get busy, it's optimal to get at least eight hours of sleep when possible.

Cardiovascular Exercise

Cardiovascular exercise is essential to getting a ripped physique. It burns fat and keeps the body burning more calories throughout the day. Aim for cardio sessions four times per week. Work yourself hard for 45 to 60 minutes. To get the results that you want involves pushing yourself hard, without getting injured. Some fat-melting cardiovascular exercises include running, swimming and dance aerobics.

Tags: ripped physique, compound exercises, Getting muscular, getting ripped, getting ripped physique, more calories