Wednesday 31 December 2014

Weightlifting To Lose Weight

Obesity is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer and Type 2 diabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It has long been established that cardiovascular activities, such as walking and running, can help you lose weight. However, if done properly, weightlifting also can lead to weight loss.

How It Works

Weight loss is the result of using more calories than you consume. Weightlifting can help you lose weight in two ways. First, by lifting weights you are burning calories. Generally, you burn calories at a slower pace lifting weights than you would with aerobic exercise. However, there are ways to increase the rate at which you burn calories through weightlifting. These ways are discussed below.

Second, according to Greg Gillies, writer for "Ironman Magazine" and author of "Fit Physique," an intense weightlifting program can elevate your metabolism for up to 39 hours following your workout. This means that you are burning calories while essentially doing nothing. One study in the Netherlands found that after 18 weeks of weight training, young men were able to speed up their metabolism by as much as 9 percent.

Specific Weighlifting Tips

In order to burn the most calories possible during a weightlifting routine, Martica Heaner, an exercise physiologist and nutritionist and award-winning fitness instructor, recommends performing more lower-body exercises, such as squats and lunges, or doing a circuit routine. A circuit routine moves the person exercising quickly from one exercise to another with only 30 seconds of rest between exercises. Additionally, Heaner suggests inserting cardiovascular exercises, such as jumping jacks or jogging in place, in between weightlifting exercises.

Finally, Heaner notes that to elevate your metabolism, your weightlifting routine must be very intense. This means pushing your body with relatively heavy weights and limited rest in between sets and exercises.


If weightlifting is done correctly, you can lose fat, increase muscle tone and improve your bone density, according to the Mayo Clinic. However, if done incorrectly, you will not achieve these benefits and you may get injured. An improper technique can lead to sprain, strains and fractures that could derail any future exercise plans. You should consult a certified trainer in order to learn proper techniques.

Proper breathing while working out also is important, according to the Mayo Clinic. This sounds simple, but many people hold their breath when they exert themselves. This can lead to dangerous increases in blood pressure.

Finally, the Mayo Clinic warns that you should not overdo it. Start off slow and gradually work your way to heavier weights and more intense routines.

Tags: Mayo Clinic, according Mayo, according Mayo Clinic, burn calories, burning calories, circuit routine, elevate your