Wednesday, 28 January 2015

What Effects Can Alcohol & Caffeine Have On Hydration Levels In The Body

It is commonly understood that alcoholic and caffeinated beverages are unhealthy when used excessively. Although there are many reasons for this, one major but often overlooked reason is that they cause dehydration.


The human body needs a certain amount of water to be healthy and to complete its various functions. Dehydration is the condition the body suffers from when it does not have enough water to function properly.


A diuretic is any substance (food, drink, etc.) that causes frequent urination and loss of hydration in the body. Diuretics cause the body to expel not only water, but also nutrients that aide in maintaining hydration levels.


Alcohol disrupts the levels of many hormones in the body, including the antidiuretic vasopressin. Without this hormone, the body attempts to flush itself by expelling water through urine at an increased rate, leading to a state of dehydration.


Caffeine causes a temporary increase in metabolism, which uses up the body's resources more rapidly. This causes a minor loss of water in the body. Caffeine also has a biochemical diuretic effect similar to alcohol, but it is far less intense.


The combination of the two chemicals produces an increased effect on dehydration. Popular drinks such as Red Bull and vodka or Jager-Bombs combine high-caffeine drinks with alcohol, and they can result in major dehydration.
