Sunday 29 November 2015

Ways To Raise Money In Your Community

There are many ways to raise money for community events and organizations.

Raising money can be tough to accomplish. Organizations such as community theaters, school clubs, sports clubs, charities, church groups, fraternities, sororities and others require a lot of money to keep going. Usually they have to go to their communities to solicit that money, whether it be door to door or through special events. The toughest part is figuring out make that money in a successful, reasonable and fun way.

Flower Sale

Hold a flower sale.

Flowers such as carnations, tulips, lilacs, daisies and roses are relatively inexpensive. Purchase a bunch of flowers and mark them up for about fifty cents. If you purchase enough flowers and have multiple people selling them you are likely to make a profit. May Day, Valentine's Day and Mother's Day are great times of the year for this fundraiser.

Ugly Tie Contest

Ugly tie contests are fun.

Hold an ugly tie contest. This is a fun event that will make people laugh. Post humorous sign-up sheets at several local businesses. Good places include the library, city hall, courthouse, churches, and schools. Ask for a small registration fee, possibly something between $2 and $10. Require that each contestant wear a hideous tie to the show. Ask local vendors to donate first, second and third prizes such as gift cards of $100, $50 and $25 or products. Then have fun voting on the ties.

Bake Sale

Bake sales are popular fundraisers.

Bake sales are traditional fundraisers because they work so well. Several members of the community can whip up affordable pastries and treats from scratch. Some options are donuts, cakes, cookies, cup cakes, breads, and muffins. Find a prime spot outside a school, library, grocery store or church and sell the goodies.

Garage Sale

Don't forget to advertise your sale. and put up signs.

Get everyone in the community organization to go through their attics and donate old but usable items to the garage sale. Put an ad in the paper a few days before your event. Hold the garage sale in the organization's building. If you don't have one, hold it in a volunteer's garages. This fundraiser is great because it has no overhead costs.


Marathons are a fun and healthy ways to raise money.

Have volunteers in the group participate in a marathon. The runners can go door to door and ask people to sponsor them by donating a certain amount of money for every half mile or mile they can run. Tell the sponsors when and where they can attend the event.

Tags: Bake sales, door door, garage sale, raise money, that money