Monday 13 July 2015

Training For Soccer In The Gym

Training for soccer in the gym can be effective when done properly.

Being in shape is critical for soccer players, since they will run several miles each game and use a number of different muscle groups and skill sets. While most training happens outside on a traditional field, there are a number of exercises soccer players can do in a gym to increase their strength, cardiovascular conditioning and skills.


1. Weightlifting improves mobility and power on the soccer field.

Lift weights at least twice a week to run faster, react more quickly, play with more power and reduce injuries. Use free weights, weight machines, resistance bands or even your own body weight to put resistance on your muscles. Focus primarily on your lower body with exercises like squats, lunges, leg presses and calf raises. Your secondary focus will be on the upper body, especially the abs, stomach and back; do exercises like push-ups, pull-ups and crunches.

2. Focus on cardiovascular conditioning three to four times a week. This includes jogging around a track and running on a treadmill and should include changes of pace and direction as well.

3. Focus on strength and flexibility with step jumps. Stand beside a cone or other soft object. Bring your knees up and jump vertically and laterally over the object, landing on both feet on the other side. Repeat for 30 seconds; do three sets.

4. Practice sprinting and directional changes with killer shuttles. Place five cones 10 yards apart; start at the first cone, sprint to the second and return to the first. Repeat with each cone, switching your pivot foot each time. Repeat three times for one set; do three sets.

5. Do as much conditioning and training with a ball as possible. One good exercise is tight space dribbling: mark a 20-by-20-yard square; for 60 seconds dribble throughout the square. Try to turn and feint; do not dribble in a straight line but randomly change direction. Decrease the size of the square after each 60-second period.

6. Play possession games to increase touches on the ball and endurance. If you can practice with teammates, mark out a 12- to 15-yard square and have players play two against two for possession.

Tags: cardiovascular conditioning, exercises like, soccer players, three sets