Friday 24 July 2015

Yoga Used For Athletes

Yoga improves athletes performance.

Yoga incorporates mental and physical practices to improve spiritual and physical wellness. In recent years, yoga practice has become more prevalent among athletes participating in performance sports. Yoga provides several benefits to these athletes.


Yoga stretches and lengthens muscles through sustained postures. As a result, flexibility improves. Increased flexibility improves agility and decreases the risk of injury with performance-based sports.

Core Strength

Yoga targets the strengthening of core, or postural, muscles. The spine, ribs and pelvis are the bony core structures, which are supported by the abdominal, back, pectoral, spinal and pelvic muscles. A strong core provides support to the legs and arms during sport-specific activities such as throwing and kicking.


Performance athletes experience stress and fatigue from participation in sport activities. Yoga incorporates deep breathing, meditation and relaxation techniques that have been shown to decrease stress levels in athletes.

Tags: flexibility improves, Yoga incorporates