Tuesday 21 July 2015

What Vitamins Should Runners Take

A great run starts with proper nutrition.

Whether you run competitively or for personal fitness, what you put into your body affects your performance. With all of the vitamins marketed to runners, knowing what your body needs to run strong will enable you to make the right choices.

Expert Insight

The Sports Science Exchange Roundtable advise that the best source of vitamins for runners is a balanced diet. Adding supplements only improves sport performance in vitamin-deficient athletes. (Ref. 1.)


If you're not getting balanced nutrition from your diet due to caloric restrictions, food allergies, or food preferences, take a multivitamin that provides no more than the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of each component. Supplements with more than the RDA provide no additional benefits. (Ref. 1.)


According to Jason Morrow, M.D., of the Vanderbilt Medical Center, oxidant stress, which can lead to metabolic and skeletal damage, increases with strenuous exercise. Morrow says that long-distance runners may benefit from additional Vitamins C and E, which help prevent oxidant injury. (Ref. 2.)


Specific supplements under study for their potential benefits to runners include the amino acid creatine, caffeine, and Vitamins C and E. According to the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, although positive effects were noted under certain conditions for these supplements, more research is needed to determine both the benefits and risks involved. (Ref. 3.)


If you decide to supplement your diet, keep in mind that supplements are not regulated prior to marketing by the FDA. (Ref. 4.) The Federal Trade Commission, charged with regulating advertising for dietary supplements, cautions consumers to be wary of label claims using words like "scientific breakthrough, exclusive product, or secret ingredient." (Ref. 5.)

Tags: more than, your body, your diet