Wednesday 22 July 2015

Water Exercise Training

Exercising in water helps alleviate tension on sensitive joints.

Exercising in water provides participants with the chance to escape hot weather, but also with an activity that to many feels more like fun than exercise. Water exercises are safe for people with weak joints and can provide full body workouts and stretches.


Training and exercising in water have numerous benefits. For those who enjoy swimming but find laps to be tedious, other water exercises can help break up the monotony. Furthermore, exercising in water provides a safe form of exercise, as it has low impact on joints. This is beneficial to pregnant women, overweight people and people with arthritis.


Water exercises provide total body workouts. Jumping jacks work the lower body and provide cardiovascular benefits. To perform this exercise, participants stand in water up to their necks and complete a much slower version of the classic jumping jack, connecting the arms outside of the water. Marching in place also works the lower body and involves extending one leg out and back in, repeating the motion with the opposite leg.


The side stretch involves standing in an upright position with both hands extended above the head. The entire upper body is then tilted to one side until the side of the head touches the water. To perform a total body stretch, grasp the sides of the pool and retract the knees to the chest. Slowly extend the legs and push the body outward until the legs are straight.

Tags: body workouts, lower body, people with, total body, Water exercises