Monday 30 March 2015

The Best Way To Burn Fat While Keeping Muscle

The way to bulk up and gain muscle mass is to increase your caloric intake and lift heavy weights. Often times when you do this, you end up building muscle, but also gaining some fat. This is due to a caloric overload where you are not burning more than you are consuming. The best way to burn this fat while keeping your muscle starts at the dinner table.

Caloric Intake

The tried and true way to lose fat is by producing a caloric deficit. This can be done by burning more calories than you are taking in. But being that you want to maintain your muscle, you do not want to severely cut your caloric intake. Figure out how many calories you are eating in a single day and reduce it by 250 calories. Now divide that number by six and eat six meals a day at this amount of calories. Eating multiple meals will help increase your metabolism and it will also prevent your muscle tissue from getting broken down, which is what happens when you go long periods without eating.

Clean Sources

The sources of the calories you eat are also important. Avoid any foods that are calorie-dense and lack any real nutrients. Even if they are eaten in small amounts, they still don't stack up to more nutrient-dense foods. Eat lean meats, low-fat dairy products, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, fish, whole grains and beans. These foods are good sources of protein, carbs, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Also make sure that your meals have a balance of protein and carbs in them.

Weight Lifting

Increasing the intensity of your weight training routines can increase your caloric expenditure and help you burn more fat. For example, instead of taking 2- to 4-minute rest periods in between your sets, cut the breaks down to 45 to 60 seconds. Or, perform active recovery in between your sets instead of just standing around. Jump rope, do some step-ups on a bench, do jumping jacks or just walk around the gym floor at a fast pace. In order to do this, you may have to cut back on your weights slightly being that you are going to be a little more taxed.


Cardiovascular exercise is another must when it comes to burning fat. Perform cardio exercises such as running, biking, stair stepping, elliptical training or rowing three times a week on alternating days. As opposed to the normal 60-minute sessions that are often done to lose a lot of weight, stick to 30 minutes of high-intensity exercise instead. An example of this would be interval training where you alternate back and forth between high and low intensities.

Tags: increase your, your caloric, your muscle, being that, between your