Tuesday 3 March 2015

What To Eat & Drink Before A Run

What you eat and drink before you run is important.

Choosing what you eat and drink before you go for a run will affect your performance once you hit the pavement. Pick foods and beverages that will let you retain energy, rather than use it all in one big burst.


Choose foods rich in complex carbohydrates--such as oatmeal, bananas and bread with peanut butter--before running. Also make sure to drink enough water to keep hydrated. However, allow three to four hours for your food to digest before running.


When deciding what to eat, learn about what foods are excellent sources of nutrients. For example, eggs, salmon and turkey are great sources of protein, and they're quite lean. Bananas are also loaded with potassium, which stops muscle from cramping.


Do not eat foods high in processed sugars and fats. Although fats are a source of energy, they are difficult to digest, and you may feel sick on race day. Avoid energy drinks and alcohol completely, as they sap your energy on race day.

Tags: drink before