Monday 16 March 2015

Tips For Getting Ready To Give Birth

Exercise is one way to get ready to give birth.

Preparing for the birth of a baby can be an overwhelming experience for a new mother. Chances are, you have heard many stories of women who were not ready for the arrival of their baby. However, there are several things you can do as an expectant mother to prepare for labor, delivery and the arrival of your new bundle of joy.

Pack a Bag Early

Every expectant mother should have their hospital bag packed early, at least one month in advance to prevent forgetting anything, if you are rushing around at the last minute. Pack your bag with essentials, such as clean underwear and pajamas, toiletries, magazines and a warm robe and socks. While you might be provided these things at your hospital or birthing center, it is nice to have your own things to wear and use. Don't forget to bring an outfit to take the baby home in as well: Most hospitals provide gowns for your new baby during the hospital stay.

Take a Childbirth Class

You might think a childbirth class is nothing more than learning about breathing exercises, but many classes today offer much more. Most classes take place at your birthing center or hospital, so you are given a tour of the labor and delivery area. You will learn about pain options during childbirth, relax and breath and can ask questions regarding the birthing process. Many classes will separate the men and women for some of the class to make asking personal questions more comfortable. This is one way to learn about what to expecting during the delivery process.


Exercising during your pregnancy will keep you fit and healthy, as well as give you stamina to endure -- what might be -- a long laboring process. Talk to your doctor about safe exercises you can do during pregnancy, or enroll in pregnancy yoga or aquatics classes. Pregnancy classes include special exercises to assist with breathing during labor and make your body flexible and more supple for the birthing process.

Perineal Massage

Massaging your perineal area is one way to avoid having an episiotomy or tearing during childbirth, which is a fear of many first-time mothers. The perineal area is the area between your vagina and anus. Massaging this tissue will make it stronger, stretchier and less likely to tear during labor and delivery. Wash your hands and apply olive or almond oil to the base of your vagina and insert your thumbs as deeply as you can inside. Press downward toward the rectum and sides of your vagina. Gently continue to stretch this opening until you feel a slight burn or tingling. Hold this stretch until the tingling subsides and gently massage the lower part of the vaginal canal back and forth. Repeat the procedure every day for six to eight weeks prior to your due date.

Create a Birth Plan

Talk with your doctor about how you would like to have your labor and delivery go, including who will be present, what to do in case of emergency and the pain options you would like available. Your birth plan may need to change depending upon your labor and delivery, but having a game plan going into the big day can help ease fears and make your feel more prepared to give birth.


Take it easy during the last few weeks before you give birth. While you may feel the urge to clean the house and reorganize the spice rack -- known as "nesting" -- you will do better during labor and delivery if you rest and relax. Try not to think too much about the birthing process, as many women develop more fear of the pain of labor by thinking of the worst case scenarios. Yes, childbirth is painful, but there are many methods, such as an epidural, massage or breathing techniques, to help ease the pain. And the reward is well worth it.

Tags: labor delivery, birthing process, during labor, give birth, your vagina