Thursday 26 March 2015

Things That Represent The Greek God Zeus

Zeus is the supreme ruler of other Greek gods.

In Greek myth, Zeus is known as the sky god, but he was also known as Mount Olympus' supreme ruler. In addition, Zeus was also the supreme ruler of all the other Greek goddesses and gods in the Olympian pantheon. Zeus and the rest of the Olympian gods took power from his father Cronos. As the supreme god on Mount Olympus, Zeus is represented by certain symbols.


The thunderbolt is one of the things that represent the Greek god Zeus. From his throne on Mount Olympus, Zeus reigned through the use of the thunderbolts. His thunderbolts are actually a gift from the Cyclopes, according to Greek myth. Zeus permitted the Cyclopes to remain on Mount Olympus as his personal armorers, this being their reward for creating the thunderbolts for him in the first place. As the supreme god on Mount Olympus, Zeus was challenged by no one, or else he would unleash his thunderbolts to maintain order.

White Bull

The white bull is another of the symbols that represent the Greek god Zeus. The use of the white bull to represent Zeus is evident in the myth of Europa. Europa was King Agenor of Sidon's daughter; the continent of Europe was named after her. In Greek myth, Zeus takes on the shape of a white bull that was more attractive than others and had a flowery scent. When Europa got on the bull's back after it laid down in front of her, Zeus abducted her by taking off with her into the sea. He brought her to Crete, where he promised she would bear him numerous sons.


The eagle's power represented Zeus.

As a symbol that represents royalty, power and a father, the eagle became yet another thing that represented Zeus. As head god, Zeus was the royal father to numerous goddesses and gods on Mount Olympus. Since the eagle is frequently represented in glorious sunlight, it is regarded as an animal that, like Zeus, is courageous, pure and also good. Eagles have a reputation for their sharp vision, and this is a parallel to Zeus because he is viewed as the eye of the gods who leads them.


The oak tree's strength symbolized Zeus' protective powers.

Zeus is represented by the oak because of its strong qualities. Since oak is regarded as a quite strong material, it has become synonymous with qualities of stability as well as protection. This carries over to Zeus, who was known as the god who watched over the other gods in Mount Olympus and protected them, too. The quality of protection also relates to Zeus since he is known as a god who protected humans against the enemy when war would break out.

Tags: Mount Olympus, Greek myth, Greek myth Zeus, Greek Zeus, Mount Olympus Zeus