Monday 9 November 2015

The Effect Of A Forest Fire On Animals

A forest fire can be devastating to wildlife.

As a forest fire blazes through the landscape, animals who can flee to safer spots or try to outrun the fire. For those animals who can't escape, a forest fire is a devastating event.

Small Forest Mammals

While larger animals run from forest fires, smaller mice, squirrels and voles may have to take refuge in underground tunnels or warrens. If the flames don't kill these small animals, smoke inhalation or suffocation may.

Vertebrates vs. Invertebrates

Creatures often overlooked on a walk through a forest may be the hardest hit during a forest fire. Insects, worms, their eggs and other invertebrates that can't run, fly or tunnel are likely to be consumed by the flames of a forest fire.

Effect on Water Habitats

While a forest fire burns, animals in small ponds and streams are affected by increased water temperatures, muddied waters, and, after the fire, ash deposits that can interfere with egg development and decrease oxygen content in water.

Positive Aftereffects

Ashes from fires add nutrient-rich minerals to the soil that can hasten the growth of new plant life. New areas of the forest are open to light, enabling different types of plants to grow and attract animals.

Animals That Thrive on Charred Matter

Some animals enjoy gnawing on charred trees or ash. Bark beetles zero in on burned areas and quickly infest blackened trees. Rabbits, hares and deer may well nibble at charred bark for the mineral content.

Tags: forest fire, forest fire, fire devastating, forest fire devastating