Monday 9 November 2015

The Effects Of Teen Drug Abuse On Families

A table of drugs

When a teenager begins to abuse drugs, it isn't just the physical body that suffers. Everyone around the teen also suffers, particularly the family. According to Focus Adolescent Services, there are a variety of reasons teens abuse drugs. Some use drugs out of curiosity. Others abuse drugs to reduce stress, fit in or feel grown up.

Mood Swings

When a teen begins to abuse drugs, the entire atmosphere of the household changes. Drugs alter a teen's personality and can cause unpredictable mood swings. This can lead to violence and hostility.


In cases where the younger siblings admire and respect the teen, the younger siblings may be more inclined to use drugs as well. The American Public Health Association learned that risky behaviors of younger siblings are often increased when they are subject to their older sibling's risky behaviors.


Some of the prominent signs drug abuse is taking place include red eyes and health complaints. The teen may also have less interest in school and skip classes. Sometimes the signs are a lot more evident, such as the presence or smell of drugs in the teen's room or on the clothing, hands or face.


Teens who develop a substance abuse problem in adolescence are more prone to continue that abuse into adulthood. Using drugs at a young age increases the risk of doing other drugs later in life.


There are various options available for families with a teen involved in drug use. One option is to enter the teen into a residential treatment center or detox hospital. These places offer psychological counseling and help with alleviating the physical addiction. Another option is boarding school--there are special ones available for teens who need help with substance abuse recovery.

Tags: abuse drugs, younger siblings, begins abuse, begins abuse drugs, help with