Wednesday 11 November 2015

The Running Techniques Of The Tarahumara Indians

Bulky running shoes encourage heel striking.

The Tarahumara have revolutionized the modern world's opinion on running technique. Located in the Copper Canyon region of northwest Mexico, they are the second-largest indigenous group in Mexico. The Tarahumara are also known as Raramuri, which translates from their language to "runners." Observed for their style and approach to distance running, the Tarahumara are among the most often studied runners in the world.


Like other indigenous peoples who run barefoot or with minimal foot protection, the Tarahumara use a "toe-strike" running technique. Instead of striding forward and landing on their heel, they push back with each stride and land on the ball of their foot. Also called "pose running," this technique is considered faster and more efficient than a heel-striking stride.

Pose Running

The human foot is designed to absorb shock through the ball of the foot, not the heel. Toe striking reduces stress on joints by allowing shock to be absorbed throughout the entire leg. The Tarahumara run in "huaraches," or sandals, which do not interfere with the biomechanical inclination to toe strike, whereas structured running shoes do.

Lifestyle Running

Lifestyle running and running to train for an event produce different abilities. Because they run as a means of transportation, the Tarahumara run more effectively than those who run to train. Covering varied terrain on a daily basis in huaraches, their feet and bodies become accustomed to the stresses and physical demands of running. The Tarahumara tend to have stronger stabilizer muscles, sturdier feet and superior lung capacity compared to those who run to train.


Barefoot and minimalistic running trends are gaining popularity among modern runners. Technical running sandals and thin-soled running shoes are available to runners who want to mimic the Tarahumaras' pose running technique. Foot strength takes years to properly develop, however. Many professionals suggest slowly integrating pose running into your regular running routine to prevent injury. Pose running may not suit everyone, so consult a professional before you begin a pose running training program.

Tags: pose running, running shoes, running technique, heel striking, running Tarahumara, those train