Wednesday 4 November 2015

The Best Way To Decrease My Calf Size

Exercise and diet can help you reshape your body.

People who have what is called a pear shape tend to carry more muscle and fat tissue in the lower body than average. Extra muscle and fat in your calves can make you appear out of balance. Spot reducing or shrinking only one part of the body is not physiologically possible. An overall fitness program that includes proper exercise and nutrition programs that target the hips, thighs and calves can cause positive changes in body composition.


A Comprehensive Approach

1. Identify which particular body type you have, because arming yourself with this information will help you use the most effective combination of exercise and nutrition programs. Endomorphs tend to carry excess amounts of fat, often in the lower body. Mesomorphs are more muscular and this can mean larger thighs and calves. Both of these types can result in the unbalanced, pear shape appearance with a relatively large lower body and a smaller upper body.

2. Perform workouts that target your thighs and calves without ignoring your upper body. Resistance exercises such as squats, lunges and heel raises should be performed with body weight only or with light dumbbells for high repetitions in the 15 to 20 range. This type of program will increase muscle tone without adding additional muscle size to the calves. Mesomorphs add muscle easier than other types, so they should be especially careful to keep the weights light. Performing upper body exercises such as bent rows, bench presses and standing presses with relatively heavy weights for repetitions in the five to eight range will help endomorphs add some muscle and help to bring more balance. You can perform the full body workouts two times a week.

3. Reduce body fat levels in your thighs and calves through aerobic workouts that will burn extra calories. There are a wide range of activities from which to choose, including elliptical machines, star climbers, stationary bicycles, jogging, walking and jumping rope. The overall reduction in your body fat level will reduce the size of your calves. These kinds of workouts can be performed two times a week for 30 to 45 minutes. Endomorphs tend to carry more fat than others, so they need to pay careful attention to limiting their overall caloric intake and would benefit from an additional 30 to 45 minute aerobic session.

4. Clean up your diet by reducing the amounts of high fat and high sugar foods you eat, such as cheeseburgers and candy. Choose healthier, lower calorie foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, and lean meats and fish. Lowering your caloric intake along with the resistance and aerobic training will help you to shed excess body fat from your body, including your calves.

Tags: thighs calves, lower body, tend carry, upper body, will help