Thursday 19 November 2015

Treatment For Numb Toes

Numbness in the feet and toes is a condition that can be caused by several underlying factors and may be accompanied by toe or foot pain. Treating toe numbness effectively requires identifying the cause of pain so that steps can be taken to eliminate it.

Foot Stress

Repetitive stress to the feet and toes, which can be caused by ill-fitting or worn out shoes that don't offer proper support, can cause pain and numbness. Replace aging or poor-fitting shoes with newer ones that fit your type of foot. Flat feet generally require more stability, neutral feet can wear many different types of shoes, while high arches often feel best in shoes with a lot of cushioning. A podiatrist or possibly a specialty shoe store should be able to identify your foot type and recommend an appropriate shoe.

It is also important to pay attention to the different environmental conditions that your feet endure. Going out in cold conditions with inadequate insulation can lead to numb toes. Excessively hot and sweaty feet can also be a problem. Your feet should be kept dry and moderately warm whenever possible.


For feet that don't respond to a change in shoes, shoe inserts or custom orthotics may help alleviate numbness and pain. Most running stores sell insoles made of cushioning material or gel that can help reduce impact and alleviate numbness. Orthotics are custom-fit foot inserts made to fit the unique shape of your feet. A podiatrist will be able to recommend the type of orthotics that will best eliminate numbness based on your foot type.

Heart Health

Another possible cause of numbness in the feet is poor heart and circulatory health. People with conditions such as peripheral artery disease, coronary artery disease, or diabetes usually suffer from reduced circulation to the extremities, which can result in toe numbness. Eliminating numbness can be difficult for those with chronic problems, but pursuing a regimen of regular aerobic exercise to increase your heart's health, lower your cholesterol and increase your blood flow can reduce numbness. Even if you are unable to do strenuous activity, walking for 30 minutes several times a week can help. It is also important to control weight, as obesity puts additional stress on the feet and can further hamper circulation.

Tags: alleviate numbness, also important, artery disease, cause pain, feet toes, foot type