Monday, 21 December 2015

What To Eat Before Cardio Exercise

Whether you shout eat before you exercise or not is an age-old debate. Some say working out on an empty stomach is beneficial, as it conditions the body to burn fat that's already stored. Others say it is a distraction and makes the body weak. If your cardiovascular goal is to burn fat, then you may well achieve results by not eating. But if your goal when doing cardio is simply to improve your health, then consuming a reasonable meal is beneficial. The following are a few tips on what to eat before a cardio workout.


A good breakfast to eat before a cardio workout would consist of whole fruits. Apples, oranges and grapes are all great sources of protein, fiber and vitamins. Grapes and berries contain pterostilbene, which boosts cardiovascular health and combats cancer. Apples contain fiber that aid the digestive process. Melons and nuts also are good morning foods before cardio exercise.


If your schedule allows for a midday cardio workout, a reasonable lunch serving may be a good option. For protein, eat meat such as beef, chicken or fish, and vegetables such as broccoli, squash and spinach are good sources of fiber. Whole grains, legumes and foods containing starch, such as rice and pasta, are suitable before midday cardio exercise, as well.


Cognizant of what you ate for lunch, you may want to try other foods for dinner for the sake of diversity. Whether you've eaten legumes, such as lentils or kidney beans---or whole grain breads, the goal is to eat foods that are conducive to cardio exercise. Stay away from liquids that contain added sugars, such as fruit juices and sodas. Candy is also not a good idea, since the concentrated sugar causes the body to produce insulin.

Eating before an evening cardio workout can be tricky: You may feel that you have to eat more so you don't get hungry late in the night. But cardio exercise shouldn't be done on a full stomach, as it can result in cramps, heartburn and a bloated feeling.


It's important to give your body time to digest food before a cardio workout. Typically, the body needs up to an hour to properly digest a meal. Throughout the day, remember to drink several glasses of water, either with your meals or independent of them. Water also helps with digestion.

Tags: cardio workout, before cardio, before cardio workout, also good, cardio exercise, cardio exercise