Tuesday 22 December 2015

What To Eat When Lifting

If you are weight lifting with the intention of making muscle gains, you need to eat certain foods at certain times. In general, though, you are going to need a lot of calories. Muscles need fuel to grow, and this fuel comes from food.


Protein is an important part of your weightlifting diet, but it is not the most important part. Proteins help rebuild the muscle fibers that a weight lifting session tears down, which helps you build muscle and fends off soreness. You should eat around 0.5 grams of protein per pound you weigh, particularly after a weightlifting session.


Carbohydrates are the fuel that actually build your muscles. You should focus on clean, healthy, complex carbohydrates such as those that come from oatmeal, wholegrain bread and pasta, and vegetables. Eat a lot of these, particularly right after a workout, as they build on top of what the proteins fix.


Fat is also important, although it has a bad name. Fifteen percent or so of your diet should be composed of fat. This fat should come from natural, healthier sources such as fish and olive oil. It should not come from saturated and trans sources such as fast and processed food.

Tags: come from, important part, should come, should come from, sources such, weight lifting